
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Nocturama

12 Songs: Nocturama

When curating these playlists, perhaps on a subconscious level, we tend to do so with the common dawn patrol emissary in mind. This demographic is not limited to surfers; first light commuters, sunrise joggers, AM gym rats, the general early bird etc. all fit the bill. We generally grind these out one day in advance around noon, in a room with east-facing windows and a skyroof, looking out onto an unkempt but colorful garden that is a hotspot for local hummingbird life, an environment that informs even the darkest and most melancholy of our playlists.

We’d hate to cater only to the breakfast club. So we thought we’d switch things up a bit and dedicate this one to our nocturnal reader demographic, to any and all graveyard shift-ers, to the twilight listener, featuring music from Beach House, Anika, Cult Hero, and more.

Just between you and me, I missed the morning deadline for this post, so there’s that too. —Jackson Todd

[above artwork: Mysteries of the Horizon by Rene Magritte]

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