
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Surf Film 2 Soundtrack

12 Songs: Surf Film 2 Soundtrack

As I mentioned on Friday, I’m a hopeless romantic. And much of that I blame on music. I rely heavily on the music in my car driving to surf to set the tone for my upcoming shred. With that in mind, we made Surf Film 2 with a pretty dang good soundtrack if we do say so ourselves. It requires a mix of tones and beats but we tend to like our surfing fast and aspirational, which is what I think you’ll find at the heart of this playlist.

It features some new and some old and because there are 11 songs in the film (and one not on Spotify), we added a bonus from the band julie, who you will find in an upcoming film we produced with Michael Cukr on Caity Simmers. Keep an eye out for that later this month.—Travis Ferré

Listen to 12 Songs: Surf Film 2 here on Spotify.

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