
It’s not the end of the world.

New Inherent Bummer "Freesurfer" hat

New Inherent Bummer "Freesurfer" hat

When was the word “surfer” so loaded with alternative meaning and competitive toxins that we had to create a whole new word for those who simply rode waves without a jersey? Some of our favorite surfers live under the moniker, but the idea that we needed a word to differentiate surfing from freesurfing is a funny moment in our evolution.

To commeroate this ridiculous word and moment while simultaneously celebrating the ethos and surfers who its come to represent, we made a hat. Because surfing needs irony and jokes and we’re here to serve.

Buy one today.

Watch Natural Selection Surf: Day 1 and 2

Watch Natural Selection Surf: Day 1 and 2

Interview: Nolan Rapoza

Interview: Nolan Rapoza