Are You Creative?
Is your family maybe a little nervous about your educational and career choices up to this point? Do you have aspirations of turning your scribbled-in notebooks and Moleskins into actual things? Are you probably unemployed right now? Well, if you answered yes to any of these things, or know someone who fits the description, we might be just the outlet for all of that artistic angst and uncertainty you’ve developed since 2020.
We are assembling a Rolodex (Ro·lo·dex (rō′lə-dĕks′): A desktop rotary file of removable cards, usually used for names, addresses, and contact information) of creatives to contribute to Inherent Bummer now and in the future.
We’re looking for all kinds in all fields (not just surfing): filmmakers, editors, writers, photographers, graphic designers, painters, poets, producers...even sales artists (it takes a village). At this stage the only requirement is that you specialize in enthusiasm because it’s going to take a lot of it to drag ourselves off this reef we’re impaled on.
Let’s keep this simple for today:
Send your name and contact info to, and include something creative you’ve done or had a hand in recently. And if you got ‘em: your website, previous work, clips, reels or a resume if you’re fancy, or simply tell us about yourself and what you want to do. We just want to meet you.
Now keep in mind, we’re pretty into surfing, but that doesn’t mean you have to throw tail to contribute. An understanding of the culture, or a counter culture will help. We love all the arts and angles — we just happen to talk about surfing A LOT. But don’t let that turn you off if you haven’t done a cutty before; there are plenty of canvases to paint here that don’t require ripping.
And if for some reason you’re still reading and already have a great job, hate art and are here for the hats, well, we got those too, check the new ones out below.
We look forward to hearing from all of you. To be continued.—Travis Ferré
Send submissions to
[Above Photo: Hunter S. Thompson working in Big Sur, CA]
This could be you. And that is Ryan Callinan and Chippa Wilson. PHOTO: Lawrence