
It’s not the end of the world.

Baguette TV - Quiksilver Festival Day 4

Baguette TV - Quiksilver Festival Day 4

The sun was out and the waves continued to pump for the fourth and final day of The Quiksilver Festival. The surfers were encouraged to pull out their twinnies, which was no problem for Josh Kerr who had been riding them all week…but a guy like Noa Deane doesn’t ride twinnies. So he just rode his normal board and carved away as per usual. Nobody said anything. Vibes were high, complaints were low. It was another perfect day in France.

Jeremy Flores handed out plenty of awards — most notably a performer of the week — voted on by all the surfers was given to Clay Marzo for his creative and innovative performances all week long. Damn we love the sound of that.

You can see it all here in the final episode of Quiky’s “Baguette TV.”

Please don’t tell us it’s over... —Brandon

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