
It’s not the end of the world.

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Campaign

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Campaign

Before I checked the dribbley, grey surf in HB this morning, I tried everything to motivate myself to get out there. I had my new Black Sheep Puddle Jumper by Mayhem was paired with my new set of FCS Reactor fins and I even had an extra shot of espresso. I was ready for whatever the sleepy Pacific was willing to offer me. Approaching the busy parking lot, I noticed the extra thick marine layer had settled right down onto the ocean surface. The barely existent waves were now hidden behind the thick grey fog bank. Maybe it was for the best that I couldn’t see how bad it was since it was almost unridable anyhow. After watching the crew erecting the scaffolding on the Southside of the pier I decided that was it: I couldn’t do it, not with the US Open here and the lineup filling with with all the visiting surfers and regular crow all paired with long waits between waves.

This time of year is always chaotic with the whole circus in town. While I love to see visiting friends and show them all my favorite spots that I like to sneak off to when trying to avoid crowds (Check the new additions to the Inherent Bummer Guide: Surf City, Huntington Beach for tips) and seeing a few of the world’s best and rising stars surf my homebreak, it’s also a time that I wished I were on a boat trip in the middle of the ocean and far, far away from the big crowds and Surf City.

Being that it was just Andy’s birthday this week I had so many parts I wanted to share, but I landed on this one for this reason: Andy’s backhand fin drifts coupled with this song by Kut U Up makes me feel like I could run through a wall! If I had only woke up and watched this part before heading down to the beach I would have surfed without a doubt.

It’s hard watching him surf perfection while we’ve got the polar opposite on offer here, and for that we have Raw Irons in HB here for you too. But I’m gonna just keep this Campaign part on re-run this week to get psyched to do anything and everything the US Open tries to throw my way.

Happy birthday Andy! Thanks for continuing to inspire.—Brandon Guilmette.

Do ya like Podcasts? Listen to us on L8Night with Choccy and The Grit

Do ya like Podcasts? Listen to us on L8Night with Choccy and The Grit

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