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Breaking News: Jacob Vanderwork launches Salad Days

Breaking News: Jacob Vanderwork launches Salad Days

When I met Jacob Vanderwork many years ago he was a very green — green as the Grinch — a fresh to the scene filmer grom who probably surfed a little too well to be trusted as a filmer.

Since then he’s gone on to make and shoot and edit some of the raddest things of the past decade or so in surfing (think Reckless Isolation).

Details are thin so far on Salad Days, but it’s looking like a new home for well-done surf vids on the reg from a talent pool deep as the Mariana Trench (think random session that includes Griffin Colapinto, Jett Schilling, Cole Houshmand, Cannon Carr, Hayden Rodgers, Kade Matson and Big 20 Hammer.

Subscribe here and watch the first visions below. This should be good.—Travis

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