
It’s not the end of the world.

Enjoy: "B, east side" starring Lee Wilson

Enjoy: "B, east side" starring Lee Wilson

As you’ve sorted out by now, we try not to just post every single web blip and clip that surfaces on the Internet on our site in an effort to get more clicks and drive traffic up and simultaneously drive you crazy/insane/batty with too much content. Instead, we try to curate a nice selection that features some of our favorites and things that catch our eye. Yeah, we’ve seen all the other stuff plenty. Hopefully this is still hitting you a little different.

Which leads me to this new B-Side from one of our all-time favorite surfers Lee Wilson. During lockdown Lee found the one wave around he was allowed to surf around Bali and he surfed it incessantly. “Alessio made this piece with the scraps from 2020,” he said. [Editor’s note: Imagine these as scraps!]. “These sessions were a lead up to the wave of my life (which you can watch below).” Enjoy B, east side by Alessio Saraifoger.

See said “wave of Lee’s life” at 3:38). It’s psycho.

Interview with: Night Beats

Interview with: Night Beats

"Occy, Are You on Epokhe...?

"Occy, Are You on Epokhe...?