
It’s not the end of the world.

I love love

I love love

To whom it may concern (but mostly my beautiful wife),

I know I said I totally didn’t mind coming to your friend’s wedding this weekend in the middle of North Carolina. The Bed and Breakfast we’re staying at is very charming, indeed.

However, I regret to inform you that I must leave right now and head for the beach as Hurricane Lee is setting up a historic weekend of waves all along the East Coast. You know I’ve always wanted to score a hurricane swell on the East Coast and we’re so close, so I’m sure you’ll understand. You’re the best!

You’re currently at the wedding rehearsal and I know I said I would be here in the room when you got back, but that’s not true any longer. I mapped the route and I can be at the beach in just a few short hours if I leave now! Might even get an evening session. Isn’t that great?

And yes, I know it’s one of your best friends and we’re borrowing your parent’s car for the weekend and this will leave you without one at the (charming!) and isolated bed and breakfast for 3 days, but I promise to be back to pick you up bright and early Monday morning with plenty of time to get our daughter from your parent’s house and make our flight back to California! What a weekend!

I’ll miss you so much and I know there are a few thousand of you receiving this letter too but I thought it’d be convenient to kill two birds with one stone and just send one note to save time. She subscribes so I know she’ll see it. Technology, right?

Now, anyone got a board in the Outer Banks I could borrow? I’m on my way!—Travis Ferré

PS: Tell the bride and groom I send my best! I love love! 

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BEST OF: Style Matters Entries - 5

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