
It’s not the end of the world.

I'm Thankful for Armpit Rashes

I'm Thankful for Armpit Rashes

The other night, following a more traditional prayer and list of gratitudes before Thanksgiving dinner, I took a moment to myself to think about my surfing gratitudes. My list might surprise you. It’s the little things. Keep in mind this list was fueled by a couple-too-many glasses of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, but I think it’s authentic. Only a surfer knows the feeling, etc. Here we go:  

My surfing gratitudes: 

-The smell of resin

-Armpit rashes

-Getting wax on the sleeve of every shirt I own

-Neck tan lines


-No-look paddle-outs

-Dark dawn patrol drives with the heater on and windows down

-VHS surf videos

- Appreciating Pennywise


-Bailing (nothing is more funny and serious at the same time) 

-Owning guns you’ll never ride

-Burying a wetsuit in hot sand in an attempt to dry it quicker

-Old surf magazine captions

-Being the only guy out

-Surf buddies


Shark banter 

-Surfing when it’s polluted 

-Chatter about the temperature of the water

-Being an (uncertified) local meteorologist 

-Using the word bathymetry more than necessary

-Knowing guys named Archy and Stingray

-Going about your day knowing you “surfed”


-Owning an annual State Park pass

-Complaining about Surfline (while using their services several times a day)

What do you got? Send ‘em through to (, there’s plenty to be thankful for. We’re surfers. It’s the best.—Travis Ferré

[Above artwork: Thanksgiving, Joseph Ferdinand Kepler, 1883]

Sunday with Books: Airships

Sunday with Books: Airships

Friday Night Flicks: A Long Day's Journey Into Night

Friday Night Flicks: A Long Day's Journey Into Night