
It’s not the end of the world.

Inherent Bummer can't come to the phone right now

Inherent Bummer can't come to the phone right now

Don’t think I’m going to let a couple back-to-back 18 hour days throwing the parties of the summer (yes, plural) keep me from hitting my weekly dispatch to you. I may be suffering from exhaustion and tinnitus, but it was totally worth it.

I honestly have no idea how we pulled that off, but we did, right in the middle of good ol’ Surf City, USA. Thank you to everyone who came out, helped out, premiered a movie, did an interview, played music or simply rooted for us. That was way too much fun.

Look for a full recap of the 2024 Inherent Bummer x 805 Factory by the Sea over the next few days, and we’ll return to our regularly scheduled Letters from Inherent Bummer next week, but for now it’s goodnight.

Please leave a message, we’ll call ya back.—Travis Ferré

Factory by the Sea: Day 1 Gallery

Factory by the Sea: Day 1 Gallery

The Factory by the Sea starts now

The Factory by the Sea starts now