
It’s not the end of the world.

Listen to Vaguess

Listen to Vaguess

I force myself into a beach drive every Monday regardless of wave quality. It’s my chance to prove that I’m not Joe 9-to-5 and I’ll often try out new records I’ve been meaning to listen to at this time — it takes me a bit to get the creative engines going to start the week, especially after all the sun in the fun (surfing) that was had the past few days. So this morning I was pleasantly surprised to drive along with Vaguess’ (pronounced Vegas) new record Nothing’s Secret.

Vinny from the band has hooked us up with tunes for vids in the past (see So-California and Eastbound and All Around), and we’ve become massive appreciators of his ability to prolifically and earnestly put out good garage rock songs. He refuses to be bogged by all the garbage the world throws at creatives, he just makes good tunes and bangs away. I heard him compared to Guided by Voices on the “Still in Rock” blog, and that’s the perfect comparison. Tons of tunes and they all hold their own. Each tune feels honest, unpretentious and well-produced. And fucking rips live — which hopefully we can prove to you soon...

“This is a wonderful soundtrack for you to lament all of your past relationships,” Vinny wrote on IG. “And to see these not as failures, but as preparation for unrivaled grace and elegance in handling future relationship failures. Thanks for listening to this. I like to make music :)”

He’s also rather funny.

So after spinning it over four times today, I can highly recommend it and hope you’ll scope it. Prepare to see Vinny playing live at something we put on very soon. I’m gonna start bugging him about that now. Happy Valentines Day, we love you.—Travis

Watch our vid So-California below to hear more Vaguess tunes:

Meet Molly Picklum

Meet Molly Picklum

Over the bridge(s) and through the snow

Over the bridge(s) and through the snow