
It’s not the end of the world.

Pipeline In Color

Pipeline In Color

The first time I met Scott Chenoweth was at a house party in San Diego.

“I’m starting a job at Surfing Magazine on Monday,” he told me.

I had just started working at Surfing Magazine too and maybe felt like I woulda known if we had a new art director starting. So I sorta brushed it off and probably went to find more rum.

But sure enough, Monday morning in our staff meeting who was sitting there but Scott Chenoweth. Ready to work.

We would go on to hit many of late night deadlines and re-shape the look and feel of Surfing Magazine with Evan Slater, Andre Aganza, Steve Sherman, Jimmicane and other mag legends, but Scott and I stuck together.

In 2012 we co-founded What Youth with Kai Neville and Stuart Cornuelle. That flamed up and down like a punk rock firework should and our whole original creative team linked arms and walked out of there together as well.

Cut to now: Scott is a highly talented artist, painter, graphic designer and animator. We hit him up just about every chance we get to collaborate. And he’s the guy behind the sick animations in the Best One Ever Series. Check his work, watch a director’s cut edit of the animations and give him a follow on IG here.

He sure did a good job of making sure I never forget his work after that hazy night in San Diego. We went on to have plenty of hazy and inspired nights of our own anyway and we always find the rum.—Travis Ferré

View Scott Chenoweth’s website here.

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