
It’s not the end of the world.

Control - Alt - Delete

Control - Alt - Delete

We knew the day would come. When the words wouldn’t sit right with the divine and virtuous among us and they would get out their pitchforks, tape them to their fingers and start paternally pecking into their phones that Inherent Bummer had the audacity to post someone’s interview answers. I guess to vindicate and rescue all the fair maidens in the land who are flabbergasted by being called “chicks” by a teenager. The mud has been thrown at us so let’s put on our galoshes and wade in!

Yesterday a 19-year-old professional surfer answered some of our Proust questions with answers that some found “offensive.” To be sure, they were juvenile answers, but I’m not a 19-year-old professional surfer. Who am I to keep him from making a fool of himself? I didn’t feel it necessary to censor his answers for fear of offending. Don’t kill the messenger and all that. And for those who read it, I like to think the WQS “chicks” mentioned can handle themselves against any foul-mouthed chauvinists just fine. Ask Dusty Payne about that.

Also: the world is not a sterile place (you ever listened to Megan Thee Stallion? Dangerous!), so why must we neuter our words? Roll with it. It’s better to let someone speak, showing their true nature, than to force them into the shadows, where their words might become more powerful simply because they’re verboten. That’s where mold grows.

And to all those who constantly feel the need to make a social media spectacle with hopes of quieting any outlet that dare say something you disagree with or offends you: That is a slippery hill to slide down.

This all being said, we took the interview down. Mostly because it is a silly thing for someone to lose their free Vans over. We’re a surf website that wants to introduce you to some new surfers, art and culture. This won’t be the last time we get in this muck, so figure we’d discuss. This is a small ember in a larger fire, but it’s a good opportunity to warn anyone who agrees with everything they see and read: be careful what you wish for.—Travis Ferré

[Above artwork: Glass Tears, Man Ray 1932]

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