
It’s not the end of the world.

Sob Story

Sob Story

The spring equinox was a month ago, but if you surf around these parts, spring/summer officially started this week. The North Pacific jetstream looks like an unzipped pair of torn up trousers and all eyes are on the South Pacific from here on out.

Those first signs of summer are showing  — Lowers is infested with surf humanity, low clouds drape the coastline in grays, closeouts and strong current rip south to north (when it’s not small)  — but let’s not focus exclusively on our inherent little bummers today. Let’s be optimistic for a second, because I’m starting to feel like the overall tone in surfing is stunting surf culture's growth.

I talk a lot about surfing. I suppose it’s my job. And I feel like I spent an exorbitant amount of time talking about why it isn’t better. Why is that? Is it really so bad? I mean, yeah, there are some things that deserve to be ripped, but let’s balance the act and talk about some good. How about some of this radness: 

-We’re giving you 50% off our store (if you spend $70 bucks or more).

-Kolohe Andino is putting on a party in San Clemente tonight to premiere the new 2 Percent video and line release called “House Party.” It’s at Stance in San Clemente if you can make it. They also just dropped their first line of merch here. 

-Dane Reynolds, Craig Anderson and Austin Gillete’s brand Former still exists. And just dropped a new collection here.

-Kekoa Cazimero (former NSSA National Champ) has a new brand called AVVA and Ezekiel Lau rides for em. 

-Reef just signed Noah Beschen…and how good is Noah Beschen’s whole program? 

-Our favorite band of the moment Memo PST is playing a show in Long Beach, CA Saturday night. And their new record comes out May 17th.

-Pat Tenore’s new brand Tenore is bubbling…and if the guy behind RVCA is doing something you know it’s gonna be sick. 

-Alessa Quizon’s hubby Max Halloway won a UFC fight last weekend with the greatest knockout in history

-Chapter 11 is a thing.

-Proof Lab Surf Shop in Marin County is a sick surf shop.

-Dion Agius is up to something in Tasmania. Not exactly sure what yet, but we’re going to get to the bottom of it.

Now would you look at that? Did the wind just shift? Is the tide going out? Is it getting bigger? Positivity! It’s Friday afternoon, there’s a surf party to attend tonight and a punk show tomorrow. I could get used to this. Keep it coming everyone. What’s good with you?—Travis Ferré

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Sunday With Books: Where I Live

A Deal that's not a Bummer

A Deal that's not a Bummer