Surfers on the Proust: Timo Simmers
I recently spent the day down in Oceanside, CA on a project with Caity Simmers that we’re very excited to share with you soon. I’ve known Caity from an arms length for a few years and you quickly get the sense that she is ultra tight with her family — especially her brother Timo — who she spends most days at home hanging with. They skate, they surf and do all the thing teenagers get up to these days.
From what I knew, Timo surfed pretty good too but after watching him out in some pretty below average surf at Oceanside pier on this morning with a handful of top pros (Ian Crane, Caity, Kolohe) it was evident that something clicked within him recently: he’s really good. His surfing was fast, loose, and radical all at the same time. Flowing and filled with spontaneity.
When we got back to the house Timo shared a timeline that he was working on from a couple days at home. I was so hyped on Timo’s surfing that when I got home that night I went digging through Toasted Media to find more. I was pleased to find a few bits of gold throughout their channel, but Timo is just now hitting his stride. He put the finishing touches on the timeline he was showing me and it’s now live on their YouTube.
We’re going to be seeing a lot more of Timo in the coming years, but for now, the Proust Questionnaire is a perfect place to start. —Brandon
INHERENT BUMMER: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Timo Simmers: I guess a life where you don't have too much to worry about, but like, everything's not like easy and simple. Like you had to work for where you were or where you are, I guess. I don't know [laughs].
What is your greatest fear?
Probably dying, honestly. That's a scary thing.
What's the trait that you would say that you most deplore about yourself?
I'm pretty shy. It's pretty annoying. Like, I get [really] fucking nervous when I talk to people.
Which living person do you most admire?
Probably my mom because of how hard she works and how hard her job is.
What would you say is your greatest extravagance?
I buy a lot of clothes, weirdly. I buy a lot of pants [laughs].
What is your current state of mind?
I've just been focusing on surfing and working — just trying to get better at those things and trying to do good in school at the same time.
On what occasion would you lie?
Probably to make someone not feel shitty about themselves. Like in a situation where they maybe did something stupid and they like asked you what you thought. I don't know. It's a hard question.
What what would you say you most dislike about your appearance?
I feel like I don't have the prettiest face, but I don't know. I feel like I'm pretty confident in the way I look, I guess.
We don’t agree with Timo’s above statement
Which living person do you most despise?
Probably that guy who paddles out in the lineup and just thinks they fucking own it and can burn whoever they want. And just like the guy who's like, thinks they're fucking better than people, in like any circumstance really.
What is the quality that you most like in a man?
Probably just being easy going and cool to everybody, no matter, what they stand to gain from a person and how they can affect your life. Just being nice and kind.
What's the quality you most like in a woman?
Probably the same thing [laughs].
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
I say stuff is “beast” too much. I'll say. like, “Oh, that was beast!” way too much.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
I'm pretty in love with surfing so far in my life. I feel like that's what I've been most in love with.
When and where were you the happiest?
Probably whenever I'm getting barreled or just hanging out with family and having a good time. And friends.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Fuck. It'd be pretty sick to be tall. Yeah, if I was taller that'd be sick.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
That's a hard one. Probably having people talk to my parents and tell them that I'm a hard worker or something like that. Like if my boss came up to my mom and was like, “Tim was a hard worker.” That means a lot [laughs].
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
I'd wanna be a sea turtle. That'd be chill. You’re just chilling and floating around. But, I don't know, I feel like turtles are underrated. Can't they not really eaten by sharks and stuff? ‘cause of their shell or something?
Where would you most like to live?
Oceanside, California.
What is your most treasured possession?
Probably my 2005 Toyota Corolla [laughs].
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Maybe being like an alpha male. I feel like that's overrated, being a tough guy.
What do you regard as the lowest as the lowest depth of misery?
Probably if you lost all your family and all your possessions and you're on the street and you're hooked on drugs and you just have no one and nothing. That'd be a blow out.
What's your favorite occupation?
Probably surfing or skating or reading or scrolling on Instagram.
What is your most marked characteristic?
I don't know [laughs]. Probably…shit [laughs]. I'd like to think I'm like pretty like, like…Oh fuck, I don't know. Like, I'm kind of like [laughs]. Fuck. I don't know what I'm thinking of, I can't put it into words…fuck, uh, I don't know, just like nice and funny and chill.
What do you most value in your friends?
I value their personality and how they interact with people and their sense of humor.
Who are your favorite writers?
I have a book I really like, Into the Wild. Who’s the guy who wrote that? Jon Krakauer? Yeah, Jon Krakauer. That's my favorite writer. I like his stuff 'cause it's easy to read.
Who are your heroes in real life?
My mom, my dad, my sister. Um, like in like surfing, probably Dane Reynolds and my surf coach John and, uh, yeah, those people.
Who is your hero of fiction?
Um, probably, um, uh, dang it. Um, like movies and books? Probably, uh, Batman [laughs].
What are your favorite names?
Probably Will or something like Will. Maybe Willam or something. I don't know, something weird.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Hmm, I feel like I don't know that many historical figures. Like Presidents? Oh! Maybe, Um, uh, I'll say, uh, Albert Einstein.
What is it that you most dislike?
Probably the rain. I don't like the rain.
What's your greatest regret?
I feel like I don't have one great thing I regret, but like, I don't know, there's so many times when I can't sleep because of something I said that day or something like that. I don't know. But another is probably like, honestly when the waves are big and I like fucking hold back and don't go on a wave because I'm scared. Like, that shit keeps me up at night [laughs].
How would you like to die?
Probably of old age.
What is your motto?
I guess we're all in this together, so like, live, laugh, love [laughs].