
It’s not the end of the world.

Tanner Gudauskas made a “Hawaii Issue”  

Tanner Gudauskas made a “Hawaii Issue”  

Tanner Gudauskas thinks. Much more than you might imagine a smiley Gudauskas brother living the dream of professional surfer might. This has always been one of my favorite things about Tanner. I think it’s why we’ve remained friends for so long. That or the love of rum. Could very well be the love of rum actually…

I was recently the recipient of some of Tanner’s thoughtfulness. This weekend I found an oversized envelope adorned with a Henry James stamp inside my mailbox. I opened it and inside was a zine entitled “The Hawaii Issue,” created by Tanner himself. 

The cover features a collage of mostly photographers scrapped together with hand drawings and Hawaii-inspired art. World Class photographer Nelly’s dome is front and center, surrounded by a variety of craftsmen, creatives, surfers, locals and more photographers. The feel is inescapably North Shore.  

Now I’ve made my fair share of “Hawaii Issues” throughout my magazine-making days. I’ve even written about how surreal your first time in Hawaii is in an attempt to bottle what you see vs. what’s there. The piece was about riding around in the bed of a pickup truck, bottle of Mount Gay rum making the rounds post-surf zooming past all the classic spots, hooting at friends on Kam Highway on your way back to the house. Those memories are why his new zine was so appreciated. Because there is a lot of magic that lives between the nooks and crannies on the North Shore that you never see, and you definitely never feel unless you get there and immerse — which Tanner and his brothers have been doing for more than two decades. There’s a lot more to the story than the shiny waves you see on screens and in photos. There is grout that keeps Hawaii together and it is very rare that “Hawaii issues” or Hawaii videos are able to get that grout in there. They’re always missing something.

I think Tanner just filled in all that something with his new zine. He scrapbooked together all the plaster that keeps the magic of Hawaii flowing like Kona Brew’s in an Off The Wall team house. The people who surf it, document it, shape it, write it, create it, live it, breathe it and bind it. He got all those people in there too. Owning this zine is a treat and a necessary piece of your Hawaii documents. I put it on the shelf right next to a zine we have here at the house that Jack Kerouac wrote called The Scripture of the Golden Eternity. I think it works there. —Travis Ferré


If you’re into this, and want a copy for yourself, shoot us a note at Tanner has a few more floating around and is debating whether or not to make more (we encourage him to definitely make some more). If you’re interested, shoot us a note and we’ll relay the message. Maybe you’ll get mail too!

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