
It’s not the end of the world.

This Mess We're In

This Mess We're In

What we’re trying to do here isn’t going to be easy. Thinking outside the algorithm and the news cycle doesn’t jive with “the numbers” of course. But after reading a couple hundred submissions to our call for contributors over the weekend and hearing your accompanying personal testimonies reminded me that no matter what: I choose you guys over math, science and tech every time. You’re a huge vibe.

I could never have predicted what came in. Such a vast and chaotic mixed bagged of wildcard media: art, words, stories, shapes, colors, anecdotes, photos, videos, fragments, poems, stories, belly dances, sign twirlers, comedians and watercolors. Each submissions was gift arriving in a puff of smoke and I gotta say thanks to all of you for reminding me that you can’t come close to repurposing what was in that weekend inbox. You’re all too all over the place. Too unpredictable. Too fucking sick. And that’s why this Inherent Bummer thing will work.

It also reminded me what our goal is here: To be a voice and brand that you can look to who hopefully twists the norm just enough that you might see it slightly differently. We all know what everyone else is doing, and we’ll aim to do it a little better but most importantly a little different.

Over the past few years the entire landscape of consuming surfing and/or art has been tossed to the dogs of commerce. We lost some historic bones in that feeding frenzy and no one has quite picked up where they left off. We’re also in the midst of a historic pandemic and seeing you all together won’t be possible for some time, but I think it’s time we start serving cocktails and hors d’oeuvre. Make sure we’re good and toasty when we do.

And away we go! —Travis Ferré

ABOVE PHOTO: Demi Boelsterli

Can't Get You Out of My Head

Can't Get You Out of My Head

Out Now: Inherent Bummer Hats

Out Now: Inherent Bummer Hats