
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch Ezekiel Lau in "New Moon"

Watch Ezekiel Lau in "New Moon"

Surf films often try to to do what Zeke Lau’s new Matt Heirakuji directed film “New Moon” does so well (and usually fail) — which is intimately capture someone at their most vulnerable and defiant and leave you with something inspiring and psyching. Zeke Lau’s new film New Moon does it.

We get a great story, intimate insight and some insane surfing from a guy who proudly carries the Hawaiian flag and all is stands for so well.

I personally always believed a surfer like Zeke — who is full of power and style and unafraid of any size wave (dude could just as easily win the Eddie as he did win Sunset and the US Open) — should be the poster child for the WSL’s World Tour. He is the type of surfer who should be a staple at the Top 10 and has been, but spent too much of his career trying to fit in the packaging they provided on tour.

After watching New Moon, it feels like he’s ready to find out exactly where he fits, because the WSL isn’t the only way. Hopefully his new path is riding perfect waves representing a Hawaiian brand that he believes in. Well on his way.—Travis Ferré

Watch the new music video for "Triple Double" by Bondo

Watch the new music video for "Triple Double" by Bondo

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