
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch Homegrown with Kolohe Andino

Watch Homegrown with Kolohe Andino

For the past few months I have been texting, calling, talking to, consulting, visiting, pinging, asking, interviewing and generally harassing Kolohe Andino regularly as he and filmmaker Jacob Vanderwork stitch together what is now Reckless Isolation: a new film coming September 2021 starring Kolohe, Griffin Colapinto, Luke Davis, Ian Crane and Crosby Colapinto.

Ta-da! There it is: finally some good news!

And while I know there is a lot we’ll be dropping between now and September to get you stoked, this first piece, a sort of temperature take on Kolohe Andino after one of the weirdest years ever, is the first installment. Kolohe takes us into his world and we watch all the life that’s happened to him lately: He’s going to be a dad, he’s going to the olympics, he’s been injured and healed and then injured again and healed again. He’s ready to get back on tour and he’s especially thrilled to show you this movie he’s been pouring so much time into: We’re certain it will secure him a place in the pantheon of greatest surf films ever. Hold us to that.

We’re excited, honored and proud to have gotten to work with him so closely on it and can’t wait for you to see what he and Jacob Vanderwork created. I don’t want to get all hyperbolic on it: but holy shit…

Watch “Homegrown with Kolohe Andino” below, a little ditty we whipped up with Red Bull to get you all set up for the Reckless Isolation film and tour coming this September.—Travis

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