
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch Shane Borland in Primo

Watch Shane Borland in Primo

Shane Borland has a knack for riding waves you wish you were riding. You know that guy? He just finds the interesting ones. As you’ll see in his really solid new video, edited by Hunter Martinez of Chapter 11 fame, whether he’s on right points that taper and reform into pits, or square Puerto bombs or California growers, I love watching the type of waves he rides.

Then there’s the fact that he’s one of those kids who can literally ride any kind of board well. Skate, surf, skim, boogie — he’s just talented on a board.

This new part is the rare mix of rad waves, great surfing and good music. Feel good hit of the week starring Shane Borland.—Travis

Watch In Plain Sight: City Surf and see it live

Watch In Plain Sight: City Surf and see it live

Type Style23 at Checkout for 50% off

Type Style23 at Checkout for 50% off