
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch this before your next surf

Watch this before your next surf

I know a lot of you don’t want to hear this or be told to watch this because it’s skating or whatever and this video is like a year old, but we just saw it and it made us hopeful and pissed off at the same time.

You have to watch it before your next surf.

It really illustrated for me how soft surfing (especially American surfing) is right now — soft as it’s ever been, softer than the hot pink Echo Beach days of Newps, softer than the top of most people’s boards. From wave pools to elite wealthy rich kids golf carting into Lowers on Tik Tok, it’s soft. Very few things have the Raw Irons mentality anymore. Everything is “marketable salmon colored Patagonia shorts” and approved by everyone on the Slack call and I know I’ve ranted on this type of thing so much that even my rant is nostalgia now — and this is not a post about nostalgia. Fuck nostalgia, it’s time the youth bring a little fuck-it back and start taking over. Like Andy. Like Noa. Like Taj. Like Kong. Like Rabbit. Like Medina. The Brazil boys kinda looking punk as fuck lately. Much like the dudes in this video, which was shown the other day to me by Michael Cukr and really brought a tear to my eye. It made me want to lie about where I been surfing so no one joins me. Do something feral. Maybe snake someone (who deserves it), etc.

And before I compare it to 10 old surf videos (because I could) and get nostalgic again (fuck nostalgia!) jjust watch it and let it wash away the depressing self promotional soft-core shit that surfing feels like. These kids are pissed, poor and don’t give a shit. They’re ripping and having the time of their lives and will make you want to do the same.

We could do with a bit more of this. And if you don’t agree, well, watch the video anyway and tell me it sucks. I’d even be down to hear that at this point.—Travis

Interview with: Pearl Charles

Interview with: Pearl Charles

Listen to: Sam Evian

Listen to: Sam Evian