
It’s not the end of the world.

12 Songs: Pale Fire Vol. 2

12 Songs: Pale Fire Vol. 2

It’s a deja-vu kind of day. I can feel the pale fire of memory burning brighter than ever, somewhere deep inside the folds of my temporal lobe - but maybe that’s just the effect Brian Eno’s Before and After Science has on me.

This week’s playlist features:

My favorite Bob Dylan track, in that it sounds nothing like Bob Dylan. See: Nashville Skyline, his crooner era.

Roky Erickson. An old favorite. Read our Down the Rabbit Hole on his life and music here.

The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band. Remember how Charles Manson semi-infiltrated the Beach Boys for a bit in the late ‘60s? These guys are what I imagine the Velvet Underground might’ve sounded like had a similar fate befallen them.

Shame. An early track from the London post-punks. Also recommended: any song off Food for Worms, their latest release.

Listen to the rest on Spotify here.

The Bummer Rolls: August Dump

The Bummer Rolls: August Dump

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BEST OF: Style Matters Entries - 5