12 Songs: Speak, Memory
A few notes on this week’s playlist:
There is no such thing as a “bad” Herbie Hancock record from the seventies.
The instrumental version of Pet Sounds is just as - if not more - rewarding to the ears as the original.
Revisiting Fugazi’s Instrument every few months is one of the great joys of life.
Gimmer Nicholson’s Christopher Idylls just might be the most underrated ambient album of all time.
If you couldn’t tell from the above, we’re going instrumental this week. No frills, no gimmicks, just twelve songs guaranteed to leave the listener doubting the relevance of vocals in modern music (sorry in advance). Most of us will be chipped pretty soon anyways, at which point verbal communication will be irrelevant. Best get ahead of the curve while you can. —Jackson Todd
Ian Mackaye by Glen Friedman.
[artwork: The Exorcist by Luc Tuymans]