An Afternoon with Eithan Osborne and Micky Clarke (and Dane too, kinda)
Eithan Osborne had a big run at the US Open in HB and now basically has a real chance to qualify with one more solid result on the Challenger Series. His competitive strategy is very similar to that of his Ventura Godfather (Dane): shrug your shoulders and if you stomp what you try, there’s a good chance you’re going to go far.
That’s what happened for Eithan at the US Open, sticking the air of the event and finished with a semifinal finish — only losing out to eventual winner Zeke Lau after a few waves didn’t offer what he needed.
Micky on the other hand is a big part of the Chapter 11 film “Glad You Scored” which comes out this week. As well a hero’s performance on Stab’s Cali-Rally thing recently. These two are in demand. Take a look back and see what they’re like day to day in Ventura below with our afternoon hang.
Ventura is the last place you’ll see groms going to the beach in golf carts or zig-zagging between cars on electric bikes. And if you do see that, there’s a good chance those groms will have to wrestle someone upon arrival at the beach. It’s a surf town that takes care of itself. Of all the coastal beach towns in Southern California it’s the most uncomfortable with the “Surfin’ USA” lifestyle — surf industry bros and bright wetsuits have long been discouraged from flashing. It’s still a one surf shop town (give or take) and it usually produces well-respected locals who quietly surf really well.
Dane Reynolds has obviously used Ventura as a backdrop for Marine Layer and now for his Chapter 11 project, but the focus of Chapter 11 has shifted a bit to the next generation of core groms from the area. Dane is using his audience to give the next generation an authentic platform to shred on — something we need more of regionally. The other option being join the Vlog world or start self-promoting yourself into retirement. And chances are if you went that way, there’d be a local named Adam Virs who might heckle you into unplugging that Vlog account.
We drove up to Ventura one afternoon for some parking lot time — a definite highlight of the Ventura zone. Dane quickly locked his keys in his car, Coors Light cans were floating around and the waves were “more fun than we expected.” We also got to meet two of the hard-working young guys from the Chapter 11 squad: Eithan Osborne and Micky Clark. Keep an eye on Chapter 11 (I know you do), these are those guys. —Travis
Eithan was dropping hammers at US Open.