
It’s not the end of the world.

Creed Rides an Al Knost shaped Experimental Dental Program Surfboard

Creed Rides an Al Knost shaped Experimental Dental Program Surfboard

Creed McTaggart isn’t exactly the first name that comes to mind when people start talking about “alternative surfers”, but between this new video featuring him riding Alex Knost’s “Experimental Dental Program” board and his section in the Epokhe “Vacuum” film — where he rides a board with excessive length to Best Section of All-Time acclaim — he’s sort of redefining how I use the word alternative.

Watch how he moves these rails through the water, it is a fine bit of aquatic poetry. Enjoy.—Travis

Watch "On Air": 40 Years of Reef

Watch "On Air": 40 Years of Reef

The problem with easy

The problem with easy