
It’s not the end of the world.

Friday Night Flicks: Rushmore

Friday Night Flicks: Rushmore

The line in this movie about O.R scrubs hooked an adolescent me.

It got me to pay my $6.50 in 1998 or whatever it used to cost to go out to the movies and I went to the theater on opening night and ate Sour Patch Kids and drank Coke and saw this indie darling written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson.

I am no cinefile — especially not in 1998 — but this movie was about a total loser with punk energy and braces. I don't’ think many other people were in the theater that night and the film wasn’t a box office succes but I’ve never been one for blockbusters. The movie would launch the career of Jason Schwartzman and simultaneously kicked off a renaissance for Bill Murray that defined his next 25 years. Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson did alright too. Thank god for all.—Travis  

Watch for like 4 bucks on Amazon Prime Here or dig deep and you can find it online…

And if you wanna o go down a nepo-baby rabbit hole — Schwartzman, who is a Coppola (his mom is Talia Shire, the mom in Rocky and Rad) — watch the video for his band Coconut Records below featuring Mark Gonzales directed by Cheryl Dunn.

"Doin' Time"

"Doin' Time"

Notes from Underground: 6-21-24

Notes from Underground: 6-21-24