
It’s not the end of the world.

Listen to Wet Sounds

Listen to Wet Sounds

Wet Sounds, the new project of Will Ivy, Sean Smith, Yohei Shikano, and Spencer Owen, is a "collective of musicians exploring American surf guitar and exotica'' through instrumental songs that, well, sound like the ocean. They just released their first track, "Flux Tide," which hits more like Link Wray than Dick Dale, with twangy guitar licks and a steady drum beat and rattle that elicits images of faraway tropical islands with big waves and white sands, and maybe a snake slithering through the shallows.

You may know Will Ivy and Sean Smith from Flat Worms and LFZ respectively, two wildly different bands than Wet Sounds. We're big fans of artists of any form changing it up, rediscovering new paths, and exploring uncharted creative territories. They're playing a free show this Sunday at Cafe Zebulon in LA, so if you're in town, cruise the show. They're currently working on recordings for an album and we can’t wait to listen to more. –Maya Eslami.

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Remember Reef Heazlewood

PHOTOS: Reckless Isolation World Premiere

PHOTOS: Reckless Isolation World Premiere