
It’s not the end of the world.

My Orbit with Tanner Gudauskas

My Orbit with Tanner Gudauskas

Tanner Gudauskas is appreciative. You can feel it here in reading about these items that make his day-to-day great. They’re relics of the sentimental kind and have genuine meaning to him. When Tanner is cleaning out the garage and asks himself, “Do these things make me happy every time I see them?” The answer is a resounding, “Yes.”—Travis


Wave Bandit

“I got this a while ago off Craigslist from a real nice dude who lived up north. It’s the actual board Dane Reynolds shaped and did the blog “Wave Bandit” on Marine Layer Productions with. Originally I was dreaming of doing a Finder’s Keepers with it, because Marine Layer had such an impact on my perspectives of surfing but even if that never came around it’s still insane that I have that board. I’ve ridden it a bunch too!”


The Surfer’s Journal Biographies: Wayne Lynch and Tom Carroll

“This DVD series The Surfer’s Journal did was the absolute coolest. This pairing is incredible too. I love this so much. Wayne Lynch is such an OG not just for his surf ability but his perspective. I love his interview portion of the DVD. And you can’t really go wrong with TC.”



“A couple months ago I stopped in to pick up some pads from DIBI. Herbie was cleaning out the back of the warehouse and he came out with three massive boxes of old traction still in package. He was literally like, “Do you want these?”. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been using a bunch of them on my boards now. I can’t believe they still work. 45 to vert. Astrodeck is the best. Don’t be slipped off by cheap imitations. Haha. I have the Shane Powell, Kaipo Jaquias, Martin Potter, Dino, Christian pads. Its insane.”


Buffalo Big Board Hat

“Uncle Buffalo personally gave me and my brothers these hats as a thank you for helping get the kids of Makaha elementary school supplies one year. That season was really special, and getting to help in any way we could on the Westside learning the way that it’s done on that side of the island — it was so cool. Afterwards Uncle Buffalo came to the beach with three of these hats and gave them to Pat, Dane and I and we got to hang for the afternoon and wrap out. So the experience of getting it was this out of body one. Getting to hear the wisdom from someone like Buffalo. The hat is almost so sacred it’s unwearable. It’s my good luck charm for sure.”


Pentecostal Art

“Wade Goodall’s artwork is the sickest. All of it. I feel like when you see it you can recognize it which is the statement of a great artist. I got to travel with Wade a bunch and saw him always drawing or painting on the road. I also got to do some trips for the movie Pentacoastal but was so blown away when I saw it for the first time. The movie is still one of the best modern era surf films in the game. But the front art sequence is what sticks with me the most. Very unique. After the movie came out Wade gave a bunch of the crew who were in it, or around it, or friends pieces of the real art as a thank you. So I have mine framed and ready to wall hang. How epic is the sunshine Nate fletch.” 


XMAS Rocks T-Shirt

“Shelby got this for me as a gift one Christmas. Humongous Christmas fan, and very big Beavis and Butthead fan. It is very hard to have a bad day in this shirt. Worn year round.”


Finder’s Keepers Artwork

“Roy Gonzalez is one of my favorite surf artist. Being from San Clemente, Roy was everywhere. I remember some of his devil kahuna ads for F.A.B and stuff. Almost like forbidden surf artwork haha. Being a kid it was so rad opening up surf mags and getting to trip on his art. Randomly I asked Roy if he would help me make a graphic for Finders Keepers. He said, “Hell yeah!” It was legendar. We met about three or four times in Capistrano Beach and he would show me his sketch book and what his ideas were as they evolved. Very inspiring as an artist because sometimes seeing the finished product you can’t believe its been made my hand. With this piece I saw it all the way from pencil sketches. And it is legendary that all the surfboards are San Clemente themed and thats me tripping out at an old ladies yard sale. Thanks ROY!”


Minolta TC-1

“The best point and shoot I’ve ever owned. Has a crazy sharp lens and is so small such a weapon.”


Coffee Machine

“Shelby was a barista for a while in San Clemente and still loves making a cup of coffee that is fantastic. She is so good at it. Over the years we have bought different machines that can make coffee in different ways so now we have a big quiver. Drip, espresso, pour over —however you want your coffee we can make it for ya. Could be worse things to collect in my opinion.”


Channel Islands G Skate

“Sorry for the plug. But wow, it’s been so long since this board was created and I still really love it. I ride it around town most days. And it somehow keeps coming out in new technology that is lighter and more shred like. Very cool.”


Listen to Tanner’s 12 Songs Playlist here

If you don't surf, don't start

If you don't surf, don't start

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