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Reel Talk: Cole Houshmand

Reel Talk: Cole Houshmand

The first time I saw Cole Houshmand he wasn’t too unlike about a million other South Orange County groms. He ripped at surfing, had some sponsors, stood about 4-foot tall and could spin to win all day at Salt Creek.

The next time I saw him in person was probably 10 years later and he towered over me. He came by to borrow a Biolos gun that Kolohe had loaned me for OB. Cole was heading up north to charge and needed some foam. Why I had a board he was able to ride still baffles me. Cole is now a big dude. Like 6’3".

After seeing him that day I thought maybe he’d grown out of competitive surfing, would need to stick to bigger waves and find a new niche. The lightning speed of guys on the QS and Challenger Series is no joke and being 6’3” it’s tough to go fast and be powerful. But a few weeks later, Cole put out a clip that blew my mind. Then he went on a tear and won a QS a few weeks ago in the Dominican Republic and ever since he’s made me eat my words about that lack of speed and flair for a dude of his size. He’s got it all.

Cole combines a wild repertoire of lead foot power and lightning quick agility. For someone his size it’s super impressive and will translate incredibly well to most of the spots on the tour. He’s racking up wins on the QS and I think he’s going to find a nice niche on the Challenger Series. He’s part of the Two Percent crew and he’s got a nice point of differentiation with the size of the rooster tails he throws. Get to know Cole and become a fan, there’s a lot to like about this kid.—Travis Ferré

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