
It’s not the end of the world.

RIP Tamayo Perry

RIP Tamayo Perry

Last year we had the opportunity to film a batch of videos to air during the Billabong Pipeline Pro. We asked Pipeline legends about their “Best One Ever” and Tamayo Perry was literally one of the first names on our list.

I cannot picture a Pipe section in a movie or a Pipeline session without thinking about Tamayo Perry. I actually used to call one of my goofy footed friends with a preternatural talent for getting barreled against all odds Tamayo Perry because his style was so reminiscent of a locked in Tamayo. An ode to the ultimate tuberider.

When we met up with Tamayo last year at Sunset Elementary school, we filmed him describing two different waves because he couldn’t decide which one to talk about. There were a couple, more than a couple really, and it was such an honor to hear him recount all of them. Ultimately, he chose the one featured below to put to tape and it’s an iconic mutant of a wave and ridden perfectly by a guy who is synonymous with Pipeline and the North Shore and always will be.

Over the weekend, tragic news circulated that Tamayo had been attacked by a shark and died while surfing at Goat Island on the East Side of Oahu.

We’re in a bit of shock and saddened to report this but wanted to share this legendary interview we got to do with him last year. RIP and sending our love to his family and friends and the entire North Shore community and his wife Emilia.—Travis Ferré

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Best Sections of All-Time: Clay Marzo in "West Oz Perfection"

"Doin' Time"

"Doin' Time"