
It’s not the end of the world.

Best Sections of All-Time: Clay Marzo in "West Oz Perfection"

Best Sections of All-Time: Clay Marzo in "West Oz Perfection"

Today’s Best Section of All-Time was sent to us from reader Stephen Baxter and probably because it was released in the haystack of clips that was 2016 it fell off our radar. Thanks to Stephen, it has been resurfaced and oh my…this clip — which woulda been filmed in a short window — is wild.

Surfing in trunks in Western Australia (because that’s what Clay does) the Maui boy was off chasing a girl in the outback and found himself surfing waves like this regularly.

According to Stephen, “The filmer said most of those waves aren't normally surfed because they're sketchy closeouts. And no one surfs them in trunks! I like the track a lot too. Band is from Belfast, Northern Ireland.”

Clay’s cat-like ability on and inside a wave is unprecedented and just so mesmerizing to watch. The way he manipulates his surfboard and is able to keep is body over the deck is crazy. I think this clip celebrates all the things that make the newly inked RVCA surfer one of our most intriguing wave riders. Let’s let this needle in the clip haystack have its shine. Thanks Stephen.—Travis Ferré

Notes from Underground: 6-28-24

Notes from Underground: 6-28-24

RIP Tamayo Perry

RIP Tamayo Perry