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Surf Movie Review: Vacuum by Kai Neville

Surf Movie Review: Vacuum by Kai Neville

There was a flurry of talk and premieres of Kai Neville’s new film Vacuum a few weeks back. I missed them. But I had bookmarked the film because I promised myself I would give it a proper watch. Not a phone watch while doing something else. Not a laptop distracted viewing. I wanted to just sit down and watch it. And boy am I glad I did.

I poured myself a glass of French red as I know Kai would have liked me too and hit play. The highlight of course are Jack McCoy’s release of “The Unseen Iguana” footage of Occy but for me it was Creed McTaggart on a dripless board with excessive length and his formed out approach that really iced it for me.

It was the first time I’ve felt so good after watching a surf video in some time.

I know Kai is presenting this as a lo-fi film that was kind of scrapped together with the boys to take the pressure off of it being a major release, but the feeling I had by the end was pure joy. Watch it below and let those warm surf video feelings come back to you.—Travis

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