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Watch On Air: 40 years of Reef featuring Ben Bourgeois

Watch On Air: 40 years of Reef featuring Ben Bourgeois

Ben Bourgeois joined the Reef team when he was only 12 years old. Little did the regional East Coast rep who put him on the team know that Benny B would go on to become one of the most prominent fixtures of the brand over the next 20 years. Benny B became the poster boy for Reef’s exploration and travel years in the aughts and beyond — becoming a modern gypsy and starring in Reef’s travel-heavy film Cancer to Capricorn: The Path of the Modern Gypsy before qualifying for the CT. Ben was Reef’s road warrior for decades. What’s he up to now? Still traveling. Maybe a little closer to home, but scoring just as hard.



Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside