
It’s not the end of the world.

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside

Today is Andy Irons birthday and with the Olympics coming up and AI being AI at Teahupoo there are plenty of vids and iconography of Andy doing Andy things at the world’s gnarliest wave that we coulda posted, but this part below – featuring Andy grinding on a 6’2” in miserable Oceanside — has always been the one for me.

To watch someone in their prime, grind out these technical lines in miserable afternoon Oceanside on a real surfboard of it’s time is something we can all relate to and be inspired by. Watching the World’s sickest surfer ever do it is all the motivation we need to go surf no matter what. Anytime.

Easily one of the most underrated parts ever…and I dont know who made it (let us know) and I dont’ know what this account its from is, but this session is iconic. Thank you for posting. It’s a great memory of our hero.—Travis Ferré

Watch On Air: 40 years of Reef featuring Ben Bourgeois

Watch On Air: 40 years of Reef featuring Ben Bourgeois

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson