
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch "On Air" with Reef Founder Santiago Aguerre and his wife Cecelia

Watch "On Air" with Reef Founder Santiago Aguerre and his wife Cecelia

Reef was founded in 1984 by Santiago and Fernando Aguerre. The two brothers launched a brand that gave surfing a vibrant, irreverent and quality surf brand for decades. And you won’t ever find either of them hiding behind the corporate structure: These two will hang!

We had the opportunity to sit down with Santiago and his wife Cecilia   — who happens to be the first ever Reef girl — and caught a glimpse of what it takes to run a successful brand for more than 40 years. Turns out, having fun, evolving and pushing the boundaries of the norm are key.  

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson

The Factory by the Sea is back

The Factory by the Sea is back