
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson

Watch "NM I guess" starring Nick Melanson

Are you wondering what the kids are up to these days? Well, filmmaker Cole Walton usually has a good idea because he is one of those kids-these-days and he hangs with a bunch of them as well.

By the looks of it, they’re rebelling. Against HD. Against Hi-Fi. RED cams and algorithms and auto-tune. And we’re feeling good about what they’re making and how they’re surfing.

Cole and his crew of ride-anything-and-ride-it-well-surfer-dudes and musicians just put together “NM I guess” — starring Nick Melanson with cameos from Gunner Day and Max Cadwell. We just watched and we just thoroughly enjoyed and so will you.

Good surfing, great music, low-fi.—Travis Ferré

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside

Best Sections of All-Time: Andy Irons in Oceanside

Watch "On Air" with Reef Founder Santiago Aguerre and his wife Cecelia

Watch "On Air" with Reef Founder Santiago Aguerre and his wife Cecelia