
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch (Supplemental) from Epokhe

Watch (Supplemental) from Epokhe

I’ve told you how great Creed’s section is in this film is before (you’ll be ordering more length and skipping the deck grip after watching). And how good the original film is. But would you believe there’s even an outtakes sections that’s epic? Well, it’s Kai, and I’m biased, and Creed must have been on a shredding bender, because his part in the outtakes part it epic too. There’s a backside punt that’s must-see surf vid iconography.

We premiered (Supplemental) at The Factory by the Sea and now it’s available for all to enjoy. Check out 13 more minutes of rad ripping you need. And just to make sure you’ve enjoyed it all, we’ve included Vacuum in its entirely and Creed’ Best Section of All-Time validated ender part.—Travis Ferré

The Unbearable Lightness of Summer

The Unbearable Lightness of Summer

Best Sections of All-Time: Tim Curran in Good Times

Best Sections of All-Time: Tim Curran in Good Times