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Interview with Shane Borland

Interview with Shane Borland

If there’s one thing we hope to get across this week, it’s that Shane Borland is gnarly. To even attempt filming a surf and skate part that’s considered highly credible in both disciplines is a gnarly endeavor. Something that’s rarely (if ever) been properly done. You’re also highly likely to buckle yourself. Which is what happened to Shane. But along the way he made something that might even be more special. He made this new vid, “Crossed Roads” (watch below) with the Chapter 11 dudes and I think it gives more insight into Shane’s talent and street cred than anything before.

We had to hear more, because aside from seeing him around town all the time, there were a lot of unanswered questions about the kid who everyone loves and rips at everything. Like where does he come from? So we started there.—Travis Ferré

INHERENT BUMMER: Where did you come from? 

SHANE BORLAND: I’m from Topanga Canyon and lived there my whole life. But growing up all I would really do there was sleep at my house [laughing[. I’d say I grew up more in Malibu since thats where most of my friends lived, where I went to school, and where I would hang out and surf. Also both my parents are from Venice. Growing up I would skate the Venice park nearly every day and cruise all around LA so I’ve always had a connection to that side of town as well.

How would you describe your career to someone ya just met and who doesn’t know much about surfing? 

I guess I would say I get paid just enough to get by and travel to cool places with my friends to make films about our adventures and the surfing we do on the adventure while wearing product from the sponsors that pay me so I can give them content of me surfing/skating/hanging in the product to post on social media and get more people to buy there product.

What do you hope to bring to surf culture? 

It would be cool to bring a bit more of skate culture to surfing. Less competitive and more about the community and having fun.

How would you describe your surfing? 

Fuck thats a hard one [laughs]. I’m not sure but I would say I strive to be a well-rounded surfer and ride all types of boards and not be categorized as doing one thing but being able to do anything and whatever the waves call for. I just hope people think I have good style, thats all I really care about.

Why aren’t there more crossover surfers and skaters….or why do you think the cultures drift so far apart so often? 

Hmm, I’m not sure, I mean as far as pro surfers go I feel like most of them do skate but not many of them want to take it seriously and go to the next level of like actually being a skater. Normally because they’re scared of getting hurt which makes sense. I just always did both from an extremely young age. My dad and older brother did both so I just thought it was normal and never looked at it as like I shouldn’t skate because I can get hurt and fuck up my surf career but just thought it was normal and getting hurt was just something that comes with it.

Who do you find yourself surrounded by? Describe your crew. 

Thats a tough one because I feel like I have so many different friends in different parts of the world doing different shit and they all inspire me in different ways. Which is one of the coolest things about being in the surf and skate world. But for the last 10 to 15 years I’ve always had the same really tight crew around home and its funny because we’re all from different parts of California and a lot of us do different shit but we’ve always stayed really close. I feel like the crew is always expanding too [laughs]. Alex Midler, Wil Reid, Tosh Tudor, Zion Wright, Dylan Hord, Tyler Gunter, John Mel, Kobe Hughes, Brogie Panesi, Eithan Osborne, Alex Sorgente, Jade Morgan…ust to name a few. The squad runs deep. They definitely all inspire me and motivate me more than anyone else.

Who is doing something you admire or psyches you up?  

Glider Lyon. He’s malibu local legend Andy Lyon’s kid. I think hes 7 years old. Hes already absolutely shredding on a surf and skateboard. He reminds me a lot of me when I was a grom but he I think hes more frothed up haha anytime I see him hes just so fired up and stoked. He always gets me psyched!

What is your current relationship like with “surf competition?” 

My relationship with contest is really chill because the only contest I do are the boardriders contest haha They’re the funnest events. Always a good time and sick how they bring everyone together.

What do you listen to in your car if you have to run an errand that takes 45 minutes? (Full album length)

Depends on where I’m driving and what mood I’m in but if I had to pick one album it would probably be the Ween chocolate and cheese album. Good mix of songs on that one and I dont think I could ever get sick of it.

It’s an average Tuesday, couple waves around, what’s your day look like beginning to end? 

Fuck I think every Tuesday is different for me and usually somewhere different [laughs], but probably wake up and make a coffee and some sort of breakfast sandwich, typically a bacon egg and cheese on some crip sourdough. Meet up with some friends and look at the waves, normally have a spliff in the lot to get psyched and go surf. Probably go get some more food after the sesh, most likely a burrito. Then go to Dr G to get the rig in order because I’m always sore or dealing with some sort of little injury. If the waves are still good probably go for another surf but if not go skate somewhere. Most likely end the day at the bar, have some food and beers with the homies and probably play some pool. Then top it off with a spliff and call it a day.

Who has your favorite style?

Creed in the water and Grant Taylor on a skate. Think those 2 have best styles of all time. 

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