
It’s not the end of the world.

Take it Slow, Take it Easy

Take it Slow, Take it Easy

Welp, we’re gonna be here for a while. So, what do with do with all this extra time and stress? I’m not going to pass out advice — I’m just a guy on an island. Besides, every magazine and government and parent and furniture store CEO is now in the advice-giving business. But I can tell you what’s been working for me. 

Beyond the prerequisite washing and exercise and mediation and whatever you do to stay safe and healthy and sane, what is there? Well, back when we had cubicles and errands, we all complained we didn’t have enough time to cook. But hey, look at us now! We’ve got an extra 40+ hours at home. Tons of time. So, where I usually go for the fastest most delicious recipes (i.e. minimal effort, maximum satisfaction), this week I’ve been taking it slow. Paying attention to the steps, chopping carefully. Just try to think of global collapse when you’re handling a sharp mandolin — you’ll lose some skin. Also, I’ve been trying stuff that takes forever to cook, stuff that normally takes too long. That crazy ragu that cooks all day. That risotto that requires constant stirring. That whole roast chicken that’ll make your whole house smell incredible. That chili that soaks up the stress.

Here, a few of my favorites that have been getting me through. Try them, might as well. The kitchen is way less of a bummer than the news feed. 

Lamb Ragu: This old gem from Esquire never fails. Cooks for a few hours before getting pistachios and ricotta on top. Not traditional, but I’m not sure that matters anymore. 

Roasted Tomato Risotto: I made this last night. No meat, and I didn’t miss it one bit. 

Million Dollar Chicken: The Standard Grill’s whole bird with crispy bread below to soak up the chicken juices. Really, do it. 

Chili: Just because sports are cancelled doesn’t mean we can’t sit on the couch all weekend and gorge ourselves. This one is easy and great. Our veggo friends can even easily sub out the meat. 

The Quarantini: It’s the martini you drink by yourself. But really, have a martini and try to chill out. —Paul Brewer

Tanner Gudauskas’ Paradise Awareness Outreach

Tanner Gudauskas’ Paradise Awareness Outreach

...Lost to the rescue

...Lost to the rescue