
It’s not the end of the world.

Watch Kai Mckenzie in "Pay to Play"

Watch Kai Mckenzie in "Pay to Play"

The Kai McKenzie story is one of the most punk things that has ever happened in surfing. Kai was surfing Port Macquarie last month and got attacked by a massive Great White and lost his right leg. A horrifying tragedy no doubt and one we all think about constantly yet can’t really fathom. But the punk part of this story is Kai’s rebellious attitude in the face of this setback. There is no pity party here, the only party Kai is having is the one called life because in his eyes: he survived and there aint nothing better than that. Fuckin’ oath.

Which brings me to part two of the punk rock tale: While in his hospital bed recovering he edited this new part himself called “Pay to Play” which is sick and can be used as fodder for your next session. Chuck one up for Kai and don’t think for one second he isn’t frothing to get back out there and try his own prosthetic punts soon. We’re all rooting for you Kai and holy shit you’re gnarly.—Travis

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12 Songs: Ezekiel Lau

12 Songs: Ezekiel Lau